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Abilities for swimming

It is not a simple joke to consider swimming as one of the most demanding and complete sports in the world. This sport receives these adjectives thanks to the convergence of physical capacities that occur during its practice.

Athletes focused on this discipline must develop various training plans in order to perform swimming in good conditions. It is not enough just to have a good technique or to love the movements in the water with a lifeguard course.

Physical abilities used in swimming

Physical capacities are the qualities that an organism possesses to carry out any physical effort. The genetic factor is the most influential of all in this regard.

However, there are other aspects that can contribute to its improvement. One of them is the training consistent and well planned, according to the activity to be performed.

In the case of swimming, many are the physical capacities required for the lifeguard course. For this reason, this sport has an enormous reputation in terms of complexity. Next, we will see which are the most used in this sport.


Swimming is characterized as a competitive sport through racing; therefore, speed becomes one of the most important physical abilities to develop during your practice.

Training her regularly strengthens everything that is relative to her; from the reaction capacity of different body segments to the time of travel from one place to another.


Physiologically, without sufficient strength, the muscles cannot react to an internal or external stimulus. For this reason, without the improvement of this physical capacity, it would be practically impossible to swim.

Regardless of the style that is practiced (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly), all swimmers must have sufficient strength to move:

  1. Explosive force.
  2. Resistance to force.
  3. Static force.
  4. Maximum strength.

Physical abilities: flexibility

Flexibility is considered a characteristic of gymnasts. However, it is part of the select group of physical abilities most used in swimming.

This is characterized by the ability of the body to perform movements of joint width, which indicates that both muscles and tendons must be prepared for such execution.

Working flexibility adequately allows the athlete to improve technique with respect to sporting gestures with lifeguard course. On the other hand, body segments such as the extremities offer less resistance when in contact with water.

Aspects of flexibility that they bring to swimming are:

  1. Malleability: property of the skin to be folded.
  2. Plasticity: muscular or joint property of adopting positions different from the common one.
  3. Mobility: joint property to execute various movements.
  4. Elasticity: muscular property to deform according to the stimulus.


It is about the aerobic condition that is used in long-term tests not only in swimming but in all sports disciplines. Also, it is distinguished as a cardiorespiratory condition due to the role played by these organs (heart and lungs).

A swimmer without this physical ability performs poorly; however, with arduous training, it can be boosted without problems.


It is one of the physical capacities most used in swimming, this is evidenced by the technical gesture of the stroke in relation to the kick. For example: in freestyle, the stroke must be asymmetrical with respect to the kick (right to left and vice versa).

The lack of stimulation of specific and general coordination makes performing any style in swimming impossible.

Physical capabilities united for a purpose

Physical capabilities are relative to the body and depend on factors such as genetics and training with lifeguard course. These do not work in a specific way, but rather work together to properly develop swimming.

It is impossible to work speedily without taking force into account and vice versa; For this reason, training should focus on exercises that go from the specific to the general, always hand in hand.

In addition, training in this sport must be well planned, sequential, and focused on the style of swimming that you want to learn or improve.

Within this training, it is possible to find exercises used in sports such as gymnastics, weightlifting, or athletics, thanks to the convergence of skills and abilities previously exposed.

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