What’s in a business name? A lot, actually. Your business’ name speaks volumes about who you are, what you represent, and what you do; it is both a mark of identification and a branding and marketing mechanism. So it is important to put some thought into your choice of a business name so that you maximize the positive impact it has on your bottom line.
Starting Out: Choosing a Business Name
It may appear daunting at first to begin the process of selecting a business name. But with a little thought and creativity and a little focus on your goals, you can choose a name that is everything you want it to be. But what makes a good business name? How do you go about choosing the right one for you?
First, know what you want (and need) your business name to be; it needs to be something that can be easily recognized and remembered, as well as something that identifies both you and your line of business. Try to keep the name short so that it can be remembered entirely, or nearly so, with ease. Make it catchy so that it is more interesting and more memorable.
Easy Tips for Choosing the Right Business Name
Avoid using location-specific
Avoid using location-specific names unless you are confident that you will be able to carry them out in the future as your business changes or expands. For instance, avoid using suburb or street names unless they make sense or can be kept in the event of a change of venue. What happens if you move locations in the future or want to expand and open up at more locations?
Avoid Your Name
Avoid using your name unless you can translate it as well, especially if you plan to sell the business; will the new owner be able to use your name? Will they want to? Will the necessity of a name change affect the valuation and profitability of your business?
Use Generic Name
Use your name to describe your line of work; tell people what you do in a word or two. Too generic a name will not catch the eye of people hunting for a product or service like yours. For example, Clever Joe’s doesn’t say anything about what Joe does, but Clever Joe’s Small Engine Repair tells you exactly what service Joe provides. People don’t want to work too hard to find out what line of business you are in; they want it to be obvious.
Consider what your name conveys about you and your business. For example, a very professional and formal name has a different air than one that is more casual, which influences what type of person people think you are, and they will choose businesses in part based on the types of people or businesses they want to do business with (professional, casual, sophisticated, etc.).
Putting the name to work
Brand naming agency: Once you’ve chosen the name, you will want to put it to work for you. But first, you need to make sure that you are legally prepared to do that. Depending on where you work and live and the type of name you choose (for example, whether your personal name is the name of your business), you may be required to register that name with a local or government agency and perhaps check for availability of the name and/or infringement issues.
You can talk to other small business owners, do research online, or contact local government agencies to find out about business name registration. After you’ve claimed your name as your own, you can use it in other ways, such as on websites and domain name registrations, and you can begin to use it in marketing and advertising as well. Yalnızlığınızı gidermek için bayan escort avcılar sizi bekliyor. Success in small business starts at the beginning with the details, like choosing a business name. Start strong by taking the time to find the business name that is right for you.