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Tactics to Get Followers on Pinterest

Get Followers on Pinterest

Tactics to Get Followers on Pinterest

Social networks arrived and transformed the world. They have strongly influenced the way we communicate and undertake. But they require a lot of time, dedication and strategic work so that we can have effective results. And you need to get followers.

If there is one quality of Pinterest that I fell in love with from the beginning, it was its ability to give me results without depending on the number of followers I had, I just needed to create quality content, make attractive designs and be consistent to achieve my goals.

But like the other platforms, Pinterest has been evolving and every day acquires more of a social network. It started as a flirtation, a nod to these, but in recent years the intention to adopt this format has become more evident and all of us who use this platform have noticed the change.

I honestly don’t think this trend will go back and to be prepared it’s important to step up and learn how to get followers on Pinterest.

Pinterest Followers: Does Having Them Really Matter?

When someone decides to follow you on Pinterest, it means they’re interested in your content. It’s like making a record, a commitment to learn about your service or product. When you post new content, it’s shown first to people who follow you because they’ve expressed an interest in what you’re posting.

So, is it important to have followers on Pinterest to get results?

The short answer is no. On Pinterest, content that adds value can go viral if it is optimized and for me, this is the best thing about this platform. However, just because it is not vital, does not mean that it is not important to have a good number of followers.

Although more than quantity, our focus must be on quality . An account with 500 followers can perform better than an account with 10,000. And why? Because on Pinterest it matters a lot that the people who follow you have a genuine interest in your content, product or service. Also check Descargar Videos De Pinterest

Increase the possibility of them interacting with your content and the reach and engagement will increase. If more people save your pins, it will be an indicator that your content adds value and the algorithm will not hesitate to show it to more pinners.

It helps to establish yourself as an expert and the trust of your audience will increase. If you achieve a genuine connection with your followers, you will create a community and that is the master key to convert followers into customers or subscribers.

So does having a following on Pinterest matter?

No and yes. Your account can deliver great results without a large number of followers, but having them drives you to achieve them, especially if you are a content creator.

Last year, Pinterest declared that this would be the year of content istanbul escort creators and has designed programs to support their work. However, one of the criteria to consider to be part of these was the number of followers. On Pinterest, content creators are a similar figure to instagram influencers.

But don’t be discouraged, Pinterest wants to include us all and is creating strategies to unite well-known brands with regular content creators. And you can apply just by filling out this form.

All this effort to increase our audience has a firm purpose that also excites me. Pinterest wants users with successful accounts to monetize. If we think about it, increasing the number of followers is not a simple pending task, it is a good investment.

The followers on Pinterest will become more relevant every day and that is why I share these recommendations that can help you increase your followers.

Tactics to increase your followers on Pinterest

Make sure you do the ABC’s

Basics are a must on Pinterest. Every strategy must start with an optimized profile. If you want to optimize your profile:

· Define your ideal customer

· Set the goals you want to achieve

· Your account must be set up as a business profile

· Check your website

· Include keywords in your name, bio, boards name, title, and description of pins

· Activate rich pins

· Develop the visual identity of your brand

This is the basis of marketing on Pinterest because without an optimized profile there are no results. If you still don’t know how to optimize your profile, this checklist will help you.

Create quality content

I confirm it every day: the quality of the content you share is decisive in getting followers on Pinterest. We all like to consume valuable, unique content that helps us solve a problem or inspires us to carry out our projects and dreams.

Get to know your ideal client well and think about how you can, through your knowledge and skills, help them solve what is worrying them. If they find solutions or get excited about your content, they will want to keep consuming it. I assure you that if you share valuable content, followers on Pinterest will begin to arrive.

Take care of all the visual aspect of your profile

Pinterest is a visual search engine. That means it feeds on attractive images and layouts. That is why among the basic points I have included the design of your brand’s visual identity, because it is part of the message that you transmit to your audience and your followers.

Once you’ve created your brand’s visual identity, make sure it’s reflected in all of your posts. An attractive profile will get attention and the need to follow you.

Remember to take care of all aspects of your pin design: the size, the margins, the font style and the branding elements that you are going to include. Complement your designs with beautiful, attractive images and if you don’t have your own photos, you can find what you need in an image bank.

Do not forget to place your brand in all the designs, Brandmania and make Canva your best ally.

Interact with your audience

Do you want to get followers on Pinterest? Interact with them. If we interact with other users, they will do so with our content. The greater the interaction we have with other accounts, the greater the engagement.

Take time to reply to all comments and messages sent to you. Do it with kindness and authenticity. If they ask you questions, provide short but substantial answers and invite them to follow you without being embarrassed. It’s like telling a visitor: come on in and sit down.

Stay true to your brand values

People identify with others if they share the same values. For this reason, the values ​​of your brand must be present in all the content you share.

These values ​​must be defined at the time of creating your branding and are what help you, among other aspects, to differentiate yourself from your competition and achieve community loyalty.

What are brand values ​​about?

They are a reflection of your brand’s philosophy, beliefs, and purpose.

Today they are more important than ever in marketing because consumers no longer buy products, they buy the experience and if we transfer this premise to followers, we can say that they do not connect because of what you sell but because of what you project.

Includes Idea Pins

Idea pins are the format specially designed to create engagement. Starting because they are the first native Pinterest format and the only one that keeps the user on your profile.

Pinterest does nothing without having a clear objective and idea pins are born to satisfy the need of the platform for the user to stay longer on it and build a community.

And what should idea pins have?

Ideas, stories, phrases, solutions. Idea Pins are a blank canvas where you can more freely share your content. Design them thinking about how they can invite your audience to follow you. Include the video that gives very good results for this format and don’t forget that a good copy is essential if you want to connect with your audience.


I am as Digital Marketing Specialist at Tech Learn. Thanks for visit on my Profile.

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