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Health and Fitness

What are the benefits of swimming?

Swimming activates the muscles of the whole body while promoting a feeling of relaxation.

Swimming is an amazing form of cardio, but unlike running and walking, it can be a bit less accessible. After all, you have to find a pool supervised by a lifeguard and learn a few different stroke styles for a dynamic (and safe) workout.

Although it may require a little more preparation than other forms of exercise, swimming of the Lifeguard Training near me offers unique benefits that other activities, such as walking and cycling, cannot.

Five Potential Health Benefits of Swimming

A swim workout doesn’t provide the same sensory experience that you can get from hiking, biking, or running, but that doesn’t mean swimming isn’t exhilarating. In fact, swimming offers many mental and physical advantages over other forms of fatih escort exercise.

1 . It’s a full body workout

Unlike other endurance activities, swimming is a cardiovascular exercise that activates the entire body. You’ll use the muscles in your arms (biceps and triceps) to propel your body through the water, while the muscles in your shoulders (deltoids) and back (latissimus dorsi) will give your stroke more power and speed. Your trunk powers the aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of your body, while the muscles of the glutes and legs are activated when you kick, propelling you forward.

If you’re looking for more strength training tips, remember to download the Nike Training App.

2 . Swimming can help you meditate

Doing a repetitive, rhythmic activity while submerged in water can be meditative for many people. In fact, some people call it mindful swimming.

According to an article published in the News in Health journal of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), this type of mindfulness practice can help people control stress, cope with serious illnesses, as well as reduce anxiety and depression. People who practice mindfulness also report a greater ability to relax, a greater zest for life, and better self-esteem.

3 . May help reduce body fat

Frequent swimming (combined with a healthy diet) can help improve body composition (ratio of muscle to fat). However, it is important to keep in mind that vigorous swimming, compared to occasional aquatic training, is the mechanism that usually brings the greatest benefits.

For example, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation found that middle-aged women who swam vigorously for 60 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks reduced their body fat by about 3 percent. The swimmers also showed improvement in flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and blood lipids.

4 . In general, it is a safe and low-impact exercise

Many of the most popular contact sports and individual athletic activities carry some risk of musculoskeletal injury due to impact. This can include contact with the pavement, with other players, or with the equipment being used, which can lead to bruises, broken bones, and even more serious injuries. In this sense, swimming provides a safer training environment.

The likelihood of these types of injuries during swimming is minimized because moving in the water is considered a low-impact exercise, reducing the effect of body weight through buoyancy, according to a 2015 review in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation .

5 . It can improve your blood pressure levels

Swimming can help you reduce your risk of developing hypertension, or high blood pressure.

In addition to lowering blood pressure levels, swimming can offer a host of additional health benefits. Researchers in a 2020 study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , found that people who swam in cold water had lower triglycerides, higher insulin sensitivity, fewer mood disturbances and a lower risk of upper respiratory infections.

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