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Do you lack energy? You are tired? Do you have pain? It may be time to request a health check from your family doctor at our private medical clinic in Brampton, Canada.

What is a health check?

A health check is an assessment of your overall health. The family doctor will examine several parts of your body, he will also ask you about your family history, and the treatments that followed your health problems. He may also offer a blood test.

Health checks can be either one-time or periodic. This will depend on your general state of health, age, and risk factors.

The health check can also help find diseases that do not necessarily have symptoms, such as cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, or hypertension.

This is the reason why we advise you to ask for it after 40 years if you are not followed by a family doctor.

The elements that should motivate you to request a health check-up

Some elements should alert you and motivate you to ask for a health check.

Here are the main ones:

Chest pain

Chest pain is a symptom linked to cardiovascular diseases and most often to coronary insufficiency. Cardiovascular diseases can be diagnosed using an electrocardiogram (ECG) during the health check-up.

Severe headaches and feeling tired

These 2 symptoms can be caused by hypertension especially if they are repeated frequently.


Being overweight is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

The appearance of small lumps in the breasts or testicles

The appearance of small lumps in the breasts or testicles can be a symptom of cancer. In this case, go see your family doctor very quickly.

Your family history

In this case, certain diseases present in your family is a risk factors for you.

We will distinguish the 2 diseases most prone to family history: cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

A health check-up should be done quickly in the following cases:

  • Presence of cancer over several generations
  • The appearance of cancer at less than 50 years old
  • The same person develops several types of cancer.
  • The onset of cardiovascular disease at less than 55 years in women and less than 65 years in men
  • Sudden death from cardiac reasons.
  • The occurrence of cardiovascular disease on both sides of the family.
  • The occurrence of cardiovascular disease in several members of the same side of the family.

Before a health check

You have an appointment with your family doctor for your health check, you have some information to gather.

Your family history

You should ask your parents, your grandparents, and your brothers and sisters about the various diseases they have already contracted, such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases. It has been shown that predispositions to these diseases can be transmitted to offspring.

This information will help the doctor to determine the risk factors and allow him to prescribe the appropriate control examinations.

This will allow him to determine the periodicity of your health check-ups to perfectly control all these risk factors.

Other prescriptions, drugs, and miscellaneous products.

It is a good idea to tell your family doctor about any other products you may have taken for your health:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Natural health products
  • Food supplements
  • Medical tests
  • Other medical interventions.
Your questions

According to each person, the state of health can cause concerns that can go as far as stress. You have to see the doctor as a confidant on all points that have to do with your health. He is subject to medical secrecy. You can ask him all your questions on this subject.

It is therefore interesting to write down all your questions before coming to the health check. This will allow you not to forget any points to see with your doctor, and you may be able to feel more reassured about your state of health.

If you are an athlete, you can also ask your questions to our sports doctor.

How is a health check done?

The exam varies from your person to person depending on:

  • gender;
  • weight;
  • size;
  • age;
  • symptoms;
  • medical history;
  • family history.

Here are the types of tests your doctor may suggest:

  • Measurement of weight, height, temperature, and blood pressure;
  • Auscultate the heart and lungs;
  • Examine the ears, mouth, eyes, and nose;
  • Check your spine;
  • For women, palpate the breasts;
  • Check organs by palpation;
  • Check your reflexes with a small hammer;
  • Propose a physical activity test;
  • Blood test;

After these various examinations, your family doctor may request other additional examinations.

The results of the health check

The results of your health check will be communicated to you by your family doctor. He can do this during a consultation.

He will go over the results with you to make sure you have understood them all. Even if everything is fine, depending on your situation, he may:

  • Prescribe preventive treatment.
  • Suggest that you change certain lifestyle habits such as food.
  • Propose a periodicity in the assessments to be carried out.

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