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Where To Find Credible Sources For Your Research

Where To Find Credible Sources For Your Research

If you are searching for a reliable source to back up your work or finish a research project, you will only want the most renowned authorities as a source. Or if you wish to publish an authoritative article on your website or write an essay for your school paper, you need to make sure you choose sources that be credible.

Credible sources are those whose authors, their information, and what they have to say can be verified. What the author is trying to say is that the ideas expressed in the essay are his or her own, and there are solid reasons to back up these claims.

In this blog, we’ll talk about where to find credible sources, and how to check if the source you are considering is authentic. Let’s go!

The Best Places To Find Credible Sources

There are many credible sources online and in print that you can use for your research papers and projects. Here are a few you can look into:

1. Take a trip to the library first

Getting credible sources is best done through your school or public library. A library offers a wide range of magazines, books, and informational resources as well as the opportunity to get help from librarians. There are many resources and services available at schools and universities, including online research databases, print, and e-books, and partnerships that allow them to share resources with other libraries, suggests, Ashley, a writer at My Assignment Help Australia company.

These are some of the most popular databases that span multiple disciplines and niches:

  • Scopus
  • Web of Science
  • PubMed
  • ERIC
  • IEEE Xplore
  • ScienceDirect
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Google Scholar
  • Business Source Complete
  • Communication and Mass Media Complete
  • Paperity

2. Be careful when using websites and blogs

It’s always best to start with a website’s or blog’s name when reviewing it. Does this name sound familiar to you? Next, check how many people shared the article. Take a look at the comments. What external links does the writer use in the article? Does that source they have used seem credible? Despite Wikipedia’s lack of credibility, the sources at the bottom of the page are generally regarded as credible.

Furthermore, did you locate this source on the first or second page of Google? A higher ranking on Google indicates that the article is more authoritative than one on the tenth page. This is another aspect to consider when assessing the credibility of a writer, although it may not always be a reliable indicator.
These are two places you can use to find a lot of information for your research. Now, how do you check if they are truly reliable? Let’s see! This research is done by our online essay helper, Eddie Broke.

How Do You Evaluate The Credibility Of A Source

The following formula serves as a step-by-step guide to determining the validity of the source you are considering. The steps described here can be used to vet any type of resource, whether it is in print or online.

Step 1: Determine who is the author

Make sure you have a source with an author who is willing to give their name to it. A quick Google search can also be conducted to verify their credentials. The following are questions you may want to ask about authorship:

  • Has anyone else published them?
  • Are they considered an expert in the field?
  • Are there any bylines, or short bios, at the end or the start of the article?
  • Which credentials/qualifications do they have?
  • Do they have any recognition as an expert in the field they claim to be familiar with?

Step 2: Find out when it was published

You can check if the content on a website is current and up-to-date by seeing whether it’s updated with a date. Even if the topic has been published forty years ago, it may still be relevant today, but you should choose sources that are as current as possible.

Step 3: Getting to know the domain name

Everybody can purchase domains with extensions such as .com, .net, and .org. The .edu and .gov domains are reserved for educational institutions and government entities. The odds are usually good with these. Make sure the information you’re viewing was published by the right department. Nevertheless, citations ending in .edu or .gov are highly recommended.

Step 4: Take a moment to check the grammar

Despite being taught not to be judgmental, we should always judge the writing style and grammar of someone we are planning to cite. Look closely if “their” or “there” are used incorrectly. An occasional mistake is just human error. If you see a bunch of grammatical errors, you should move on!”, exclaims, Robin, an expert at My Assignment Help Australia Company.

Step 5: Analyze the site’s design

This is specifically important when you are looking at online sources. It’s easy to spot a difference between a modern site and one that has not been updated in a decade, though this is a subjective argument. It is important to look at the design of the site because it is an indication that it’s well-maintained and frequently updated.

To Sum Up…

The specifics of credibility change as the world does. However, these tips can be relied upon for a long time to come!

Read more blog: 20+ Unique Social Work Research Topics for Assignment

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