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Grief and Loss

What are grief and loss?

Grief is a natural response to loss. It might be due to the loss of a near and dear one, any close relationship, abortion due to some health or other complications, death of pets, infertility-issues. Since grief can be caused by so many events and situations, it is difficult to give an exclusive definition.

There are many stages in Grief







Shock: People experience a sudden unusual and unpleasant feelings and emotions because of some unexpected happenings or incidents. People show symptoms such as rapid pulse and fast breathing, fatigue, enlarged pupils, unconsciousness etc. Shock is normal and over time person experiences different emotions. This stage is different for everyone and may last for few days or weeks. Shock causes some to react in an unusual ways such as some people might laugh hysterically when they first hear the news of a death. Find best psychologist near you if you or your dear one is going through grief.

Denial: Refusal to believe, refusal to admit the truth or reality of death and loss of loved ones. People say it aloud for example

“Is he/she really dead?”

“ This isn’t  happening to me.”

“ This can’t be true.”

“ I believe the person is unwell so sleeping.”

This stage is also a shock stage and people show  similar symptoms like rapid pulse and fast breathing, fatigue, enlarged pupils. People might think life makes no sense, has no meaning, is too painful. They keep denying the news and in effect may go numb. Denial is the stage that can initially help you survive the loss.

These feelings might last for days, months, and in some cases years after the funeral service. some people react to the pain by avoiding to think about it the situations altogether.

Anger: Anger is a natural process of grief. Suppressing or swallowing unhappy feelings delays coping up and moving forward in life. Voicing your feelings, expressing anger and any other emotions, is empowering, strengthening, and helps in coping.

People might blame themselves, others, situations and very likely their fate and God.

They might shout out

“ It’s all my fault and if only….”

“ He/She is responsible for this entire thing…”

“ God is merciless, he does not exist etc…”

“ If only I had better facilities like money, resources….etc”

Anger is a necessary stage for healing process. People should try reminding that their anger is pain in disguise. They might show Anger while reconnecting to the world and environment after isolating themselves from it due to denial stage. A person experiencing anger due to pain usually try to disconnect from everyone.

Bargaining: This stage is often experienced as guilt and people might make promises so that the it changes or returns the situations and losses.

People might say like:

“ Please make things better I will do….”

“ I’m ready to die please give back…..”


This is often the shortest stage in grief.

Depression: This stage is usually the most difficult and longest. People experience extreme despondency, loss of interest, fear, loneliness to name few.

People might think or say hopeless things like:

“ Leave me alone, I don’t want to live as….”

“ I’m hopeless and I can’t do…”

Depressions usually need a therapist intervention otherwise might lead to various health issues, worsen health problems which were already present and also cause new ones. It impacts the immune system, leaving diminished and vulnerable to various infections. The heartbreak can increase blood pressure and the risk of blood clots. Dr.R.K. Suri is the best clinical psychologist for treatment of depression. Never hesitate in taking treatment of any psychological disorder before it gets worse.

Acceptance: In this stage people start embracing the present – both good and bad. People try to remember the loved ones and no longer feel depressed and unhappy about the loss and experience the current “present” has been gloriously touched by the loved one’s life.

People move on in life with beautiful thoughts for example:

“ Loss is painful but I understand the situation and I live with better understanding of life, situation…etc”


Grief in employees or working people might be identified with symptoms:

  • Physical issues like absenteeism, lack of interest.
  • Experience mental issues like inability to focus and lots of errors, confusions and accidents in their job.
  • Problems due to emotional issues such as mood swings, depressions
  • Social isolation and stop interacting with colleagues and prefers solitude.

Due to these symptoms in employees the Company incurs:

  • Losses in productivity
  • Decrease in morale
  • Safety issues
  • Replacing or re-training of new candidate
  • Increases staff load or stress among employees.
  • Might create financial losses to business.

Companies these days give bereavement leaves for death of spouse, child, parents, siblings, grandparents or grandchild so that the employee gets settling time to deal with bereavement and grief.

Main problems these grieving people face with colleagues, bosses and subordinates, especially divorced or in the process of divorce.

It will be greatly appreciated if they have genuine compassion as everyone has ways of expressing their emotions.

Just listen- always talking comforts as they let out unhappy thoughts.

Do not ridicule at their feelings and at how they feel.

Do not bother with unnecessary and pep talks.

The Employer or Company might refer if needed for counselling,  provide support groups and other necessary needs to grieving employee.



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