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Prominent Use Cases of Digital Know Your Patient (KYP) Solutions

Digital transformations are enabling criminals to impersonate legitimate patients. They commit data breaches and either use that data to avail of medical benefits or sell it on the dark web. The medical histories, payment details, and patients’ records have a high value in the dark web market. The healthcare sector also faces more criminal threats like identity theft, prescription fraud, and insurance scams.

Therefore, the medicare centres and all of their subsidiaries need accurate patient verification solutions. The AI-powered tools here not only help healthcare providers to verify patient identity but also safeguards their information from external breaches. The blog provides a detailed overview of the process and its prominent use cases.

Patient Verification Process – Screening Identities for Legitimate Onboarding
In this ever-evolving world, industries are trying to bring innovation to their operations by making customer access easier. Similarly, following the pandemic, healthcare centres are also providing online assistance. For instance, e-pharmacies, online consultancy, and easy-to-access records. As per Shufti Pro News, all these shifts are increasing other consequences like identity theft and other fraud. Criminals use advanced technologies and onboard as imposters. Medicare centres lacking authentic identity checks are more likely to experience these risks.

Therefore, the healthcare sector, pharmacies, and other affiliates need to incorporate robust patient identity verification solutions. The AI technology provides tools that streamline the patient onboarding process while offering them a user-friendly experience. It has the following steps:

The system presents a form on the screen of end-users and asks them to fill in the information.
After form submission, the system asks the patients to either show identity documents while holding them in their hands in front of the camera or upload pictures along with a real-time selfie.
In this step, the AI-powered tools extract data from the documents, validate information, and map the face.
After this, the system cross-matches the information on documents with the one previously provided. The system also validates documents by looking for signs of forgery.

For improved security and accurate verification, the system uses biometrics to verify the face with the one on the documents. It also detects liveness to ensure the patient is present in the real world.
In this step, the system performs ID verification for pharmacies to ensure patients buying the drugs are of appropriate age.
The results are then displayed on the screens of end-users while recording them in the back office within seconds.

Online Patient Identity Verification – Global Use Cases
AI technologies are paving their way in the medicare centres by providing robust solutions to verify patients. This way the healthcare sector can mitigate the chances of medical identity theft and various other fraud. Online verification solutions are streamlining the onboarding process by minimizing the hassle patients face. It further keeps the records updated while providing patients easy access and privacy. More of the global use cases of AI-powered solutions include:

Accurate Patients’ Verification
Hospitals, pharmacies, and other subsidiaries hold millions of sensitive data like treatment histories, payment methods, insurance details, and test results. In the case of traditional verification methods, there are more chances of discrepancies and inaccurate entries. This can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, healthcare centres need to incorporate accurate verification solutions. The AI-powered tools verify patients online by asking for their documents and cross-match them within the global databases.

Reduce Insurance Fraud
Medical assistance is not affordable for every patient and in countries like the US, Europe, Canada, and various others, health insurance backs the treatments. Furthermore, the majority of the countries allocate medical benefits to old-age patients. All this makes informatization highly sensitive. If in any case, criminals get their hands on insurance-related details, they can legitimately use them for their treatment. It will consequently, deprive legitimate patients of their legal rights.

Therefore, hospitals and other healthcare providers should employ necessary measures to safeguard this information. Shufti Pro Funding indicates that online verification solutions help the medicare centres to build a shield for patients’ information.

Prevents Prescription Fraud
Prescription fraud is another rising concern for the healthcare sector in this digital world. Minors use their elder’s information and payment details to order age-restricted drugs online. This can cause addictions and other lethal consequences. Similarly, fraudsters also commit prescription fraud to buy medicines under the name of legit patients. Therefore, pharmacies should employ robust patient verification to both validate age and identity.

Secures Business Reputation
Patients’ information is highly sensitive and healthcare centres should incorporate effective measures to safeguard it. If fallen into hands, it will bring reputational damages and hefty non-compliance penalties. Therefore, the healthcare sector requires robust identifying patient solutions to restrict criminals’ access and prevent chances of fraud.

In Summation
The healthcare sector is in dire need to secure its operations and safeguard patients’ information. The AI-powered patient verification solutions are providing accuracy and efficiency to verification processes by restricting fraud attempts. This way medicare centres and other subsidiaries can fight medical identity theft, and prescription fraud, while ultimately assisting legitimate patients.

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